This paper has presented a brief way to derive Navier-Stokes equation which is one of the most fundamental equations in Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer by means of control volume method and Stokes's three dimentional viscosity relation and generalized Hooke's law of elastic medium. 本文给出了一条简捷途径,利用控制体方法以及直接运用Stokes三维粘性关系和弹性介质广义Hooke定律的方法,推演出动量、热量和质量传递中最基本的方程之一&Navier-Stokes方程。
Based on Stokes's law, the mathematical expressions of singularity integrity of kernel function is obtained and the infinite boundary element is used to analyze infinite boundary conditions. 文章首先获得了核函数奇异积分的数学表达式,然后分析了无限单元的特性及其应用方法,最后通过分析比较得出边界元法与雪弗隆程序结果相近。
The new model is different from that based on Jeffery's equations and is established in terms of Stokes'drag law and Newton's second law. 新的数学模型是建立在Stokes曳引定律和牛顿第二定律的基础上的,它不同于建立在Jeffery方程基础上的现存方法。